
Fundación Progreso de Vida

Institutional Projects

Welcome to the Fundación Progreso de Vida

The FUNDACIÓN PROGRESO DE VIDA NGO (Provi), with Tax ID 900026680-6 and Commercial Registration of the Chamber of Commerce of Quibdó by record 01 of March 5, 2005 under number 00002132 of Book 1 of Non-Profit Legal Entities, was established the entity called: Progress of Life Foundation NGO 

It was established as a private non-profit organization, endowed with its own assets, administrative and social autonomy with the following guidelines where it will promote, encourage and directly collaborate in scientific, intellectual and social activities for the benefit of education, health, promotion and prevention of health, recreation, arts, culture, environment, sports, welfare of the population, human development of the population in its area of influence and micro-enterprise development.

The Fundación Progreso de Vida (Provi) pursues the following charitable, welfare, educational, scientific, and social purposes and functions in the pursuit of the quality of life of the vulnerable community and in all sectors of society, especially marginalized, minority, and socially excluded groups, as well as cultural spheres.

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The FUNDACION PROGRESO DE VIDA "PROVI" seeks to improve the lives of the poor and vulnerable population by enhancing human quality, promoting and preventing health, and constructing entrepreneurial and social initiatives. In 2020, the foundation achieved a 55% reduction in the subhuman living conditions of the poor and unprotected population in Chocó and Colombia, enhancing socioeconomic and cultural environments through the exploitation of human potential, science and technology, to achieve social profitability and sustainable healthy living for this population

The FUNDACIÓN PROGRESO DE VIDA “PROVI” as a non-governmental organization, will strengthen life and its values with human quality, through actions in health, promoting disease prevention, education, the environment, and supporting the construction of socio-economic and cultural environments. It will be an organization with a great reputation in management and cooperation for the vital development of the most vulnerable population on the planet, especially in the Chocó Department and Colombia.


is guided by the following principles:

  1. It is an independent Ngo, free of political parties and religious ideals.
  2. Autonomy: To participate in the planning, decision-making, control and
    control in the internal affairs of the Foundation in accordance with its
    statutes and internal regulations of work.
  3. Freedom: Membership and withdrawal of its members.
  4. Equality and respect: Equality of rights, duties (obligations) and
    opportunities in the management and benefits achieved by the Foundation.
  5. Respect for diversity: The absence of any discrimination
    reasons political, religious, social, gender and ethnic background.
  6. Prevalence of common interest: In front of the particular interest.
  7. Human quality: The human quality is one of our strengths in the Foundation, because we strive to provide the warmth
    indispensable in the everyday relations between co-workers, managers, partners and the community in general, giving together the best of each other, making this Institution a large family where everyone feels at home.
  8. Solidarity: In the Foundation shall always be applied, individually and
    collectively the concept of mutual aid, as the foundation of the
  9. Union: The Foundation will always support initiatives arising out of the
    priorities of the populations vulnerable and therefore will work in partnership
    and union with other foundations and organizations with the same purpose of the
    Progress foundation of Life – (Provi)
  1. Advance actions directly or through agreements with Organizations and / or National and International Institutions that are authorized to implement and promote activities related to Education, Health care, Promotion and Prevention in Health, Recreation, Arts, Culture, the Environment, Sport, and General well-being of the Population, the Human Development of the Population in its area of influence, the Development of Micro-mpresarial, care and help food to displaced people and women heads of household, adult, childhood, adolescence, residents of the street who lost his self-esteem by means of drugs and drug dependence, design and printing of educational material on the prevention of health, environment, youth micro-enterprise, and education, culture and recreation, Advocacy campaigns and Prevention in Health, days of vaccination at the departmental level and national Institution that Provides Health – IPS, Brigades on health, Mounting, and events
    concerts cultural private and to raise funds to help the poorest and most vulnerable people in the Chocó and Colombia.
  2. Formulate, develop and execute plans, programmes and specific projects, autonomamente, or in collaboration with other public or private entities, national and International.
  3. Encourage the involvement of human talent professional, scientific, technical, intellectual, in all areas, with the purpose of establishing relationships of mutual agreement in order to create steps, solutions and actions for the progress of the programs of improvement of the quality of life of the vulnerable population. 
  4. Participate in the creation and in the organization of other corporations, associations, foundations, public or private organizations having purposes similar or complementary.
  5. Offer advising, consulting, projects, assessments, and other related actions, in the academic fields of research and social projection.
  6. Celebrate contracts, agreements that would be required in fulfillment of its object and further necessary actions for the achievement of its objectives.


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